How old are you?
Above 60 Years
Between 45 - 60 Years
Between 30 - 45 Years
Less than 30 Years
How many years away is your nearest goal?
Less than 2 Years
Between 2 - 3 years
Between 3 - 5 Years
Between 5 - 10 Years
Above 10 Years
If your investment outlook is long-term (more than 5 years), how long will you hold on to a poorly performing portfolio before cashing in?
Not hold and cash in immediately if there is erosion in capital
Will hold for 3 months
Will hold for 6 months
Will hold for one year
Will hold for more than 2 years
My current and future source of income are
Very unstable
Somewhat stable
Very Stable
Choose your investment preference/Objective
Principal protection
Can consider a loss of 4% if the expected gains are of 10%
Can consider a loss of 8% if the expected gains are of 20%
Can consider a loss of 15% if the expected gains are of 30%
Can consider a loss of 25% if the expected gains are of 50%
If a few months after investing, the value of your portfolio goes down due to market decline by 20%, what would you do?
Cut losses and Sell completely. Capital preservation is primary objective
Sell partially and transfer investments to safer asset classes
You would be worried, but would give your investments a little more time
Retain fully, you are OK with volatility and accept decline in portfolio value as a part of investing
Buy more to bring down the average buying price and not bothered by notional losses
Voltalie investments usually provide higher returns and tax efficiency. What is your desired balance?
Preferably guaranteed returns, before tax efficiency
Stable returns, minimal tax efficiency
Some variability in returns, some tax efficiency
Moderate variability in returns, reasonable tax efficiency
Unstable but potentially higher returns, maximising tax efficiency
How familiar are you with financial markets?
I have no idea about financial markets
I have very basic idea about investing & no experince, I understand the risks and basic investment concepts like diversification
I have a fair knowledge & experience, have invested on my own and understand the risk and return characteristics of different asset classes
I have thorough knowledge & experience with most investment avenues. I have my own investment philosophy
Describe your Risk Range. What level of losses and profits you would be comfortable with?
Worst Year = 1% and Best Year = 15 %
Worst Year = -5% and Best Year = 20%
Worst Year = -10% and Best Year = 25%
Worst Year = -15% and Best Year = 30%
Worst Year = -18% and Best Year = 35%
Worst Year = -22% and Best Year = 45%
What is the current market value of your net worth ( please consider all your assets & subtract from the total the sum of your debts and liabilities) ?
Less than Rs.50 lakhs
Between Rs.50 lakhs - 1 Crore
Between Rs. 1 Crore - 3 Crore
Between 3 Crores - 5 Crores
More than 5 Crores